Getting on the wrong side of the GP’s receptionist or the ward doctor does nothing towards a patient’s recovery. Senior nurse and clinical educator Carrie Hamilton, director of SimComm Academy has witnessed first hand the positive effect, good communication can do but knows that these skills don’t come naturally to everyone. Jill joined Carrie on a dog walk in the Hampshire countryside to find out how Carrie and her team are making a difference.
"What did you actually learn?" is the podcast that gets out and about to find out how people learn new stuff and help others to do the same.
We’ve turned off Teams to visit fascinating people in person in the places where they hang out to find out how they absorb and pass on new info.
The podcast is produced by Switched-on Multimedia, film and content producers for training and education.
To find out how Switched-on Multimedia can boost your training and education video and digital content visit
Presenter: Jill Sainsbury
Voiceover: Ian Miles
Producer: Byron Lewis
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