We all need some extra help with those tasks we either don’t want to do or find difficult to do. So how does that person who offers the help, cope with everyone else’s unwanted/difficult tasks? Gemma Lane is a virtual PA and her company Hidden Gem accurately describes the value she brings to her clients because she quietly and efficiently gets on with all sorts of tasks the rest of us put off. Jill caught up with Gemma in the grounds of a country house hotel to find out how she regularly has to learn new stuff quickly and pass that on to her clients.
Find out more about at Gemma Lane on her website: https://www.hiddengempa.co.uk/
What did you actually learn is the podcast that gets out and about to find out how people learn new stuff and help others to do the same.
We’ve turned off Teams to visit fascinating people in person in the places where they hang out to find out how they absorb and pass on new info.
The podcast is produced by Switched-on Multimedia, film and content producers for training and education.
To find out how Switched-on Multimedia can boost your training and education video and digital content visit www.switched-on.tv
Presenter: Jill Sainsbury
Voiceover: Ian Miles
Producer: Byron Lewis
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